I am here to share with you my kick ARse secrets for creating senior synergy! In three short years I went from shooting 15 high school seniors per year to over 100 with $1200 sales averages . Let me say that this booklet is not going to be like any other thing you have seen or read. I am direct and to the point. I don’t fill the page with my profound vocabulary, I get rid of the fluff and just tell you what has worked for me. I honestly believe that these tips will also create a buzz around yourself and your photography.
This book is also dual purpose and serves as a posing guide! I am including some of my favorite poses that I work with on every session to create the look my high school seniors have came to recognize. You get over 40 pages of inspiration! You will also get jpeg images to load onto your phone or tablet device for easy referral during your sessions. BOOYAH!!!! Ooops, I said I would not amaze you with my profound vocabulary!